Radio RateΒΆ
Click on the menu Media -> Masters -> Radio -> Radio Rate.
The following screen should appear. This is the Radio Rate Collection.

You can create a new Radio Rate by clicking on

The fields are explained in the following table:
Field Name | Required | Description |
Media Group | Yes | Select Media Group e.g. All India Radio, ABP Group etc. |
Radio Location | Yes | Select Location e.g. Pune, Kochi etc. |
Radio Time Band | Yes | Select Time Band |
Advertisement Type | Yes | Advertisement type are Appointment, Notice, Tender etc. |
Spot Unit | No | Select Spot Unit e.g.Minutes, Hours, Seconds etc. |
Spot Duration | No | Period of advertisement |
Actual Rate | No | Rate in amount for advertisement |
Negotiated Rate | No | Rate in amount |
Effective Date | No | The Effective Date. By default, the system date is taken as Effective Date. Note : The date should be within the constraints of the Financial Year. |
Click on to save your changes.