.. |newImage| image:: images/button-new.png .. |saveImage| image:: images/button-save.png Radio Rate ---------- Click on the menu *Media -> Masters -> Radio -> Radio Rate*. The following screen should appear. This is the Radio Rate Collection. .. image:: images/RadioRate-Collection.png You can create a new Radio Rate by clicking on |newImage| .. image:: images/RadioRate.png The fields are explained in the following table: ======================= ============= =========================================================================== Field Name Required Description ======================= ============= =========================================================================== Media Group Yes Select Media Group e.g. All India Radio, ABP Group etc. Radio Location Yes Select Location e.g. Pune, Kochi etc. Radio Time Band Yes Select Time Band Advertisement Type Yes Advertisement type are Appointment, Notice, Tender etc. Spot Unit No Select Spot Unit e.g.Minutes, Hours, Seconds etc. Spot Duration No Period of advertisement Actual Rate No Rate in amount for advertisement Negotiated Rate No Rate in amount Effective Date No The Effective Date. By default, the system date is taken as Effective Date. Note : The date should be within the constraints of the Financial Year. ======================= ============= =========================================================================== Click on |saveImage| to save your changes.