Credit NoteΒΆ

Click on the menu Accounts Payable -> Documents -> Credit Note.

This will show the Credit Note Collection.


You can create a new Bill by clicking on newImage. This is wizard.

Step 1 : Select Supplier and Document Date.


Final Step :


The fields are explained in the following table:

Field Name Required Description
Bill No No This is a system generated field. (Format - VoucherAlias/Branch Alias/FinYear Alias/Sequence Number)
Date Yes The Voucher Date. By default, the system date is taken as Voucher Date. Note : The date should be within the constraints of the Financial Year.
Supplier Yes Supplier Name (from step 1)
Txn Ccy Yes Trasaction Currency. Default is Local. If Txn Ccy is not Local, enter the exchange rate for the selected currency.
Bill No Yes  
Bill Date Yes Bill Date. By default, the system date is taken as Bill Date.
Bill Amount/Bill Amount FC Yes Bill Amount
Amount/Amount FC    

Click selectTaxImage to apply Tax.




Click on saveImage to save your changes and close. The Credit Note Collection will now display the newly created Credit Note.