Publication RateΒΆ
Rate for publishing an advertisement depends on the size and type of the advertisement, the page and position, the publication and edition in which it is published. Each publication group has its own tariffs for publishing an advertisement. These rates have to be fed into the system, so that they can be used to create relaase Orders and bills. Rates are always applicabl from a particaular date and continue to remain valid until a new rate of the same type is entered. Rates once entered cannot be deleted. However, they can be modified.
Click on the menu Media -> Masters -> Publication -> Publication Rate.
The following screen should appear. This is the Publication Rate Collection.

You can create a new Publication Rate by clicking on

The fields are explained in the following table:
Field Name | Required | Description |
Media Group | Yes | Select Media Group e.g. All India Radio, ABP Group etc. |
Edititon | Yes | Select Editition e.g. Aaj ka anand, Sandyanand etc. |
Advertisement Type | Yes | Select Advertisement type e.g. Classified, Appoinment etc. |
Periodicity | No | Period for which advertisement to be publitioned. |
Effective Date | No | The Effective Date. By default, the system date is taken as effective Date. |
Paper Type | No | Enter Paper Type e.g. Newspaper etc. |
Rate Type | Yes | Select Rate Type e.g. Classified Display, Display etc. |
Print Type | No | Enter Print Type |
Actual Black/White Rate | No | Enter Actual rate amount |
Negotiated Black/White | No | Enter Negotiated rate amount |
Rate | ||
Actual Colour Rate | No | Enter Acutal rate |
Negotiated Colour Rate | No | Enter Negotiated rate |
Remarks | No | Enter Remarks/Comments |
Click on to save your changes.