
A publication may be published from different locations. Each edition may have different tariff rates depending upon the rates decided by the Publication. Edition belongs to a particular Publication.

Click on the menu Media -> Masters -> Publication -> Edition.

The following screen should appear. This is the Edition Collection.


You can create a new Edition by clicking on newImage


The fields are explained in the following table:

Field Name Required Description
Category Yes Select Category e.g. Broadcasting, Brochures etc.
Publication Name Yes Select Publication Name e.g. The times of India, Filmfare etc.
Location Yes Select Location e.g. Agra, Adyar etc.
Edition Description No Edition description of selected location. Non-editable field.
Coverage Area Yes Enter coverage Area of edition.
Langauge Yes Select Langauge e.g. marathi, gujarathi etc.
INS Code No  
Circulation Yes No of copies
Account No Edition payable account
Deactive No Account Deactivation Date. Select to deactivate the account.

Click on saveImage to save your changes.