A publication may be published from different locations. Each edition may have different tariff rates depending upon the rates decided by the Publication. Edition belongs to a particular Publication.
Click on the menu Media -> Masters -> Publication -> Edition.
The following screen should appear. This is the Edition Collection.

You can create a new Edition by clicking on

The fields are explained in the following table:
Field Name | Required | Description |
Category | Yes | Select Category e.g. Broadcasting, Brochures etc. |
Publication Name | Yes | Select Publication Name e.g. The times of India, Filmfare etc. |
Location | Yes | Select Location e.g. Agra, Adyar etc. |
Edition Description | No | Edition description of selected location. Non-editable field. |
Coverage Area | Yes | Enter coverage Area of edition. |
Langauge | Yes | Select Langauge e.g. marathi, gujarathi etc. |
INS Code | No | |
Circulation | Yes | No of copies |
Account | No | Edition payable account |
Deactive | No | Account Deactivation Date. Select to deactivate the account. |
Click on to save your changes.