User And Role

As the name suggests, User is a end user who is allowed login into CoreERP. These are normal users who can create/edit masters, create/edit/post transactions. CoreERP follows the principle of creating Roles and assigning Access Levels to each Role. User inturn belongs to a single or multiple Roles. When a user belongs to multiple Roles, the Role that provides him the highest previlege superseeds all other Access Levels for the same master/document accross Roles. This facilitates ease of maintenace when you are required to retire a user and/or change his access levels.


In CoreERP, User is at the level of System. A user, once created, is available accross companies.

  • To create a new user, click on User in the Admin menu
  • The User list would appear. Click on + button

Each field is explained in the following table:

Field Name Required Description
User Name Yes This is the User’s login name. System wide duplicates are not allowed
Password Yes This is the password with which the user can login
Confirm Password Yes This should be the same as password
Full User Name Yes Mention the User’s Full Name here
Email Address Yes Mention User’s Email address. This is required for sending notifications, Forgot Password link, etc.
Active Yes Toggle this to deactivate the user. Only active users are allowed to login

After entring data for all fields, click on Save.

If you want to create more users, click on + New and enter information for more users.

Every User created needs to be associated with a Company. It is only after this association, that the User-Role-Company association is activated in the system and the user gets to select the company after login.

  • Click on User Company Association
  • It will open the list of Companies. Click on Edit link to add users’ to the company
  • Click on + Add New and select the user from the drop down.
  • To remove a user, click on the deleteImage image next to the user name.
  • Click on Save.


Always remember to click on saveImage to Save your changes. If you Close without saving, your changes will be ignored.


In contrast to a User, Roles are created inside a Company. Therefore, we will first connect to a Company. Since, you have logged in as the Admin/Superuser, you would be provided with a list of all companies available in the system.

  • Click on Connect To Company
  • Select your company
  • Select the top most Financial Year

CoreERP would reload all the menus and display the connected company on top (right next to the logo).

  • Click on Role. The role list would appear.
  • Click on + to add a new role

Role fields are explained in the following table:

Field Name Required Description
Role Name Yes This is the Role name. Duplicates are not allowed
Description Yes Describe the Role. Helps explain the role name.
Select user(s):These are the users who belong to the role.
  • Click + Add New to include users in this role
  • Click Save

You have only included users in a role within a company. The next topic explains Access levels.