.. |newImage| image:: images/button-new.png .. |saveImage| image:: images/button-save.png Page Position -------------- Each advertisement has to appear on a particular page and position. Depending on the page and position on which it is printed the tariffs vary. More conspicuous and strategic positions command higher rates. Therefore, it is neccessary to first enter all the page and position details in the system. Click on the menu *Media -> Masters -> Page Position*. The following screen should appear. This is the Page Position Collection. .. image:: images/PagePosition-Collection.png You can create a new Page Position by clicking on |newImage| .. image:: images/PagePosition.png The fields are explained in the following table: ======================= ============= =============================================== Field Name Required Description ======================= ============= =============================================== Media Type Yes Select Media Type (e.g. Publication, Radio, Television, Web). Page Position Alias Yes Enter Page Position Alias e.g. Back, Centre etc. Page Position Desc Yes Enter Page Position Desc e.g. Classified, Cinema etc. ======================= ============= =============================================== Click on |saveImage| to save your changes.