.. |newImage| image:: images/button-new.png .. |saveImage| image:: images/button-save.png .. |postImage| image:: images/button-post.png .. |deleteImage| image:: images/button-delete.png .. |unpostImage| image:: images/button-unpost.png Journal Voucher --------------- Any voucher which does not affect Cash or Bank is a Journal Voucher. This voucher enables adjustment entries to be posted between ledger accounts other than Cash, Petty Cash and Bank. Click on the menu *Financial Accounting -> Documents -> Journal Voucher*. The following screen should appear. This is the Journal Voucher Collection. .. image:: images/JournalVoucher-Collection.png You can create a new Journal Voucher by clicking on |newImage| .. image:: images/JournalVoucher.png The fields are explained in the following table: ======================= ============= =============================================== Field Name Required Description ======================= ============= =============================================== Voucher No No This is a system generated field. (*Format - VoucherAlias/Branch Alias/FinYear Alias/Sequence Number*) Date Yes The Voucher Date. By default, the system date is taken as Voucher Date. Note : The date should be within the constraints of the Financial Year. Inter Branch No Select this option to make interbranch payment. Bank/Cash Account Yes Ledger Account. Amount Paid Yes Amount to be debited. This is the net amount for which the payment is dispersed. Account Info - D or C Yes D - Debit, C- Credit Account Info - Account Yes Ledger Account - Account to which amount is to be credited/Debited based on *D or C*. Account Info - Debits Yes Amount to be debited to the ledger account. Required if *D or C * is *D*. Account Info - Credits Yes Amount to be credited to the ledger account. Required if *D or C * is *C*. Narration No This is an optional field. Press Ctrl **+** A to bring the default narration - *Being amount paid to (Paid To)* Debit/Credit Diff No This will show the Credit and Debit total Difference. ======================= ============= =============================================== Click on |saveImage| to save your changes. Click on |postImage| to change status of the voucher and close. The Journal Voucher Collection will now display the newly created Bank Payment. Click on |deleteImage| to delete the saved voucher. This will permanently delete the voucher from the system. Posted voucher cannot be deleted. To delete posted voucher, unpost them by clicking on |unpostImage| Then delete the voucher.